Young ESD Leaders Capacity Building Training Course | YRE Mission
Almada | Portugal | 15-19 March 2018

Course Structure

The structure of this training can be divided in three parts. The core is a 3-day, in-person training.
In order to maximize the learning and impact of this 3-day training, online sessions will precede and follow.
Pre and post online sessions will include both a live webinar and online classroom session.

The 3-part training is outlined below:

1. Pre-session, Online (6 hours)

Planned ZOOM Conference call  – Each of the meetign will take about 1-2 hours
For New Zealand, Mongolia, China, Singapore on 7 March at 9.00am CET
For all other countries on 8 March at 3pm CET
Focus: Begin to build a learning community and establish shared foundational knowledge of fundamental concepts in order to begin the two-day training on the same page.
2 hours Welcome & Introductions, Expectations, and Preparations Webinar Introduce people, training, objectives, commitment and start building relationships
4 hours Intro to Sustainability & SDGs Moodle online session- core readings, videos, reflections, discussion forum Establish common ground knowledge on core topics

2.  3 Day Training, In-person (24 hours)  | see AGENDA

Day 1,5 Focus: Shift the paradigm to one of interconnection and sustainability through experiential learning. Begin building skills in leadership in conflict transformation. Working on ESD through SDGs.
Day 1,5 Focus: Tackle a sustainability issue related to one or more SDGs in small groups to build a journalistic project. Increasing journalistic skills to develop a better understanding of Education for Sustainable Development.

3. Post-session,Online (6 hours), exact date will be announced after the workshop

Focus: Maintain motivation and relationships after the two-day event to carry forward learning and continue strengthening the young leader´s community.
Time Content Method Objective
4 hours Monitoring & Evaluation Moodle online session-Readings, videos, reflections, discussion forum
Develop shared understanding of how to track progress on SDGs and Flagship
2 hours Carrying Forward- SDGs and Network Webinar Make public commitment, strengthen network, set personal and group goals

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