Tema JRA: Outros

Lousã Biological Park

Lousã Biological Park

Lousã Biological Park

“Schist Villages” – A Cultural Treasure

“Schist Villages” – A Cultural Treasure

“Schist Villages” project aims the rehabilitation and conservation of schist villages in Portugal. It began in 2000, and currently it includes 27 schist villages of 21 different municipalities, from the North of the country to Tejo valley.

Artists Into the Wild

Artists Into the Wild

The House of Arts and Crafts is a project developed in Cerdeira, one of the schist villages in the area of Lousã, belonging to the network Aldeias do Xisto, with the “aim to build a spot for artists.”, according to Kerstin Thomas, who exchanged Germany for Cerdeira to create and embrace the project.