Tema JRA: #Collaboration

One single seed will destroy your ecosystem

One single seed will destroy your ecosystem

Two distant countries, yet there are so many similarities, like cultural or linguistic ones, between Portugal and Romania. Environmental issues, unfortunately, do not escape from these resemblances. The invasion of alien species (IAS) in both countries is something that we are used to seeing and the consequences are often the same, changing all the surrounding ecosystem and in the near future, possibly destroying it. All of this is being verified in the invasion and substitution of autochthonous species that, after their arrival, take advantage of the climate change in that country.

What should we do with this waste?

What should we do with this waste?

No âmbito do Programa Eco-Escolas e “Young Reporters for the Environment” (YRE), foi realizado o vídeo seguinte, o qual resultou de um trabalho conjunto da EB 2,3 de Paço de Sousa e do Athens College Elementary School.
Esse vídeo vai de encontro aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas, mais concretamente ao objetivo 11, “cidades e comunidades sustentáveis” e aborda a problemática dos resíduos, apelando à sua separação para posterior reciclagem .

Trees – A common need

Trees – A common need

Forests are the terrestrial ecosystems with the greatest biodiversity in the world: they preserve the genetic heritage of billions of years of evolution.