Black and white world: a photo story about air quality

The air pollution was always a case of study and a fact of concern, as it is very dangerous to our health. Air pollution from traffic and industrial sources is highlighted as contributing to most respiratory diseases and the prevention of those should start before birth and, because of that, air quality is a major factor to our quality of life.

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The air pollution was always a case of study and a fact of concern, as it is very dangerous to our health. In the report “Air pollution: Our health still insufficiently protected” (1) of the European Court of Auditors, it says that “Air pollution causes great harm to European citizens’ health. Each year, about 400 000 people die prematurely due to excessive air pollutants such as dust particles, nitrogen dioxide and ozone”. In the publication “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease” (2), from the World Health Organization, we understand that air pollution from traffic and industrial sources is highlighted as contributing to most respiratory diseases and the prevention of those should start before birth.

The air quality is defined as the amount of pollution in the air that we breath (3) and it is evaluated constantly by many organizations (e.g., This is useful, as it helps the role play of politicians, environmentalists and the society as a whole.

In these photo story, we present two different realities: Pljevlja, in Montenegro, here the air quality is low, and Paço de Sousa (Penafiel), in Portugal, where the air quality is good: the black and white world.

In conclusion, air quality is a major factor to our quality of life. When we live in an area without air quality, we are sad and frequently sick. Life is dark and life outdoor is, most of the times, an utopia. When we live in an area with good air, we can live outside, where we can walk, play sports, read, dance, or simply hang out with friends or alone, in a safe and healthy way. In here, live is clear and full of life.

Alunos das escolas de Salko Aljkovic e do 9ºD do Agrupamento de Escolas de Paço de Sousa