Interview with Pedro Marcelino

The following interview with Pedro Marcelino is about the places life has taken him

The following interview with Pedro Marcelino is about the places life has taken him, and the adveng4-300x199tures he has come across through being a reporter,and more recently a documentary producer. As one of the first YRE, and author of several academic and children’s books, we were fortunate to receive insight into his experiences with the environment.

How did your parents feel about your travel as a YRE to the Arctic at the young age of 15?

Parents are usually proud but they are still your parents, so they are afraid. My former teacher had to spend a lot of time convincing them to allow me to go. If they had known that there was a  threat of polar bear attacks, they would never have let me go.

What pushed you to start filming?

There was no precise moment. A friend of mine had quit her current program to study film. This inspired me. Years later I was given the opportunity to join a documentary program due to my extensive experience in reporting.

Why did you decide to start producing and directing documentaries?

I made a documentary about political refugees in Canada and marketed it as well. Through the making of the film I learned that it is a full time job and would require all of my time. As a result I decided to take a year off work, and immerse myself in making documentaries.

Do you think you have achieved all your dreams?

God no! First of all I am 36 and still have more than half of my life left. I wouldn’t be happy if I had already fulfilled everything that I have dreamed of. I have fulfilled a few but I have a lot more to go.

In conclusion, all the members of our group learned something that we can take away. We will add this to all the new and amazing things that we have experienced at the YRE workshop so far.

Group 4: Karoline Prengel; Hanna Begovic, Halid Hodjikj; Leonard Sabovcik; Sena Karaasian; Jamilya Umurkulova;Michael Lindo

Karoline Prengel, Hanna Begovic, Halid Hodjikj, Leonard Sabovcik, Sena Karaasian, Jamilya Umurkulova, Michael Lindo