As beatas são uma ponta do problema…

As beatas lançadas ao chão são arrastadas pelas águas das chuvas e irão contaminar os rios, lagos, mares e oceanos. The cigarette butts thrown to the ground are washed away by rainwater and will contaminate the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

As beatas lançadas ao chão são arrastadas pelas águas das chuvas e irão contaminar os rios, lagos, mares e oceanos.
The cigarette butts thrown to the ground are washed away by rainwater and will contaminate the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

It is known that cigarette butts are the type of waste most frequently found in our beaches.

The microplastics, as well as the heavy metals in cigarette butts, usually enter a cycle that affects the whole ecosystem: earth, sea, air and, naturally, animals and human beings.

In the campaign of collecting cigarette butts, performed by three Environmental Health students on the campus of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) and at the beach of Costa da Caparica, near Lisbon, in just one hour was collected the equivalent volume of five liters.

Beatriz Luz, Hugo Silva, Sofia Coelho